Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has grown from a photo-sharing community of one million users (December 2010) to 130 million monthly active users today. So, what’s so great about this app, and how can you leverage it for your business? Here’s a quick and easy guide to getting started on Instagram.
Google+ has become a major player on the social media scene with over 300 million active registered users. That staggering number translates to a great opportunity for businesses to reach out to potential cliental. For both new and established businesses, Google+ is a multi-functional platform that’s ideal for the expansion and maintenance of customer relations. One of the quickest ways to fail in business is to ignore the very base […]
Even if you don’t know what a QR code is, you may have seen them around. A QR (Quick Response) code stores information much like standard UPC barcodes, only they hold much more data. Originally used by the Japanese automotive industry for quick scanning and tracking, today, brands use QR codes to direct consumers to all kinds of digital content.
When it comes to social media marketing, one size does not often fit all. When coming up with your strategy, it’s important to narrow down target users. Who’s your audience? Where’s your audience? If you’re a small local business, you most likely know the answer to those important questions. But how do you reach them online? Build up your social media presence with these helpful pointers.
Social media management is vital for every business. Connecting with your customers – current and potential – is done best through relationships, and managing your social media connections allows those relationships to flourish. Larger companies with more than one location are ripe for the benefits that this strategy offers. Social media management for multi-location businesses is not only essential it’s also a virtual goldmine of opportunity.
You work hard at running your small business, spending countless hours making sure your products and services are the best they can be. But certain elements of management are best entrusted to a professional. When left in the proper hands, things like social media become powerful tools for growth and expansion. Find out why hiring a professional small business social media manager is a wise and profitable decision for your […]
Many small businesses are locally based. Their customers come from the neighborhood, not necessarily the nation, and the marketing focus needs to reflect that reality. Local-Social or Geo-location social media tools have been specially designed to target this type of consumer base, attracting local attention and bringing your business to the forefront of the community.
Social media marketing is expanding at a rapid rate. As new and fresh platforms are introduced, the established giants continue to cement their importance. How can your business stay on top of this tidal wave, riding it towards growth and increased profits? It helps to understand how the different media channels can work for your business. This information helps to formulate a flexible, yet powerful plan of attack.
Your home improvement business deals with people and their property. It can be a sensitive job and requires you to build a trusting relationship between your business and its customers. Using social media management to do that is a simple way to take your home improvement business to the next level. This industry is often locally based, but drawing customers to your physical location is not what you’re after. Since […]