Google+ for Business 101
Google+ has become a major player on the social media scene with over 300 million active registered users. That staggering number translates to a great opportunity for businesses to reach out to potential cliental. For both new and established businesses, Google+ is a multi-functional platform that’s ideal for the expansion and maintenance of customer relations. One of the quickest ways to fail in business is to ignore the very base that keeps the vision afloat, the customers. Google+ is tailored toward businesses that need an extra boost to their marketing, since it features that right tools to shift the focus back to the customer.
The Google+ Hangout feature allows CEOs and managers to have video meetings with clients from all over the world. Frequent Face-to-face interaction can be critical for maintaining long-term clients and investors, and these hangouts are designed to let businesses meet potential clients and current investors through a live video feed. This feature can even accommodates a 10-personal video conference as well! This is a great way to for companies to connect with more people, increase their visibility and land new opportunities.
Google Profiles
An in-house marketing team can promote a business through an official Google + profile. By keeping a frequently updated Google+ profile with interesting company information, a business remains fresh in the minds of their online followers. Furthermore, company employees can use their personal google+ profile to share insights into the ‘behind the scenes’ of the business, making the company more personable to potential customers.
This interesting tool allows authors to claim their published work on the internet by linking it directly to their Google+ profile. This is a great resource for businesses that have a lot of content online, such as reviews, articles, guest blog posts and more. Employees and clients can also link to the company’s featured web content, which helps to circulate the brand. With the added benefit of search engine optimization, Google+ Authorship can help a company’s online content rank better with google too.
Circles are essential for any Google+ marketing plan. When a Google user places a person or company in one of their circles, they’re showing a sign of interest. Likewise, when a business places their customers in a circle, they’re also demonstrating an interest in their customers. This is a simple, convenient and quick way for businesses to instantly increase their customer appeal. The more personable and interested a business appears, the more likely they are to receive customer trust.
The Importance of Content
In order to make the most out of Google+ plus for marketing purposes, all content must be informative and reader-friendly. While Google+ is great for circulating content, it won’t work unless people want to read the content. Therefore, it’s vital for businesses to have an aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly site that features interesting content that keeps readers and clients coming back for more.
Whether someone is a business owner or author, they must represent themselves as an authority on their topic and provide content that encourages reader participation and interest. With a strong plan of action for content, marketers and small businesses owners can take advantage of all that Google+ has to offer!