Twitter Unveils Lead Generation Card for Businesses
Twitter recently introduced the newest addition to their suite of Twitter Cards, the Lead Generation Card (in beta). From Twitter’s Advertising Blog, “The Lead Generation Card makes it easy for users to express interest in what your brand offers. Users can easily and securely share their email address with a business without leaving Twitter or having to fill out a cumbersome form.” These are its main components:
1. The Offer
Identify what the user will gain in exchange for their information. Examples are coupon codes, free trials and discounts.
2. User Information
When a user views the offer, they’ll see the information that Twitter will be securely sending to the business: name, username and email address linked to their Twitter account. Unlike other offer pages, the Lead Generation Card has the user’s information already filled in, so they don’t have to enter anything in themselves.
3. Call to Action
In the expanded view of your tweet, your call to action is a button beneath the offer description. The text is customizable so you can make it as generic or specific as you like.
This new card differs from the others as it enables businesses to collect user information from “highly qualified leads.” So far, Twitter is only allowing certain brands access to this new feature. Though this is a new product, Twitter has indicated these advantages:
- The Lead Generation Card streamlines the process of acquiring a potential lead’s information.
- Beta participants reported deeper connections between the brand and users.
- The Lead Generation Card may drive down their cost-per-lead for this medium.
Twitter has not yet announced a launch date. Check back for our follow-up upon Twitter’s formal launch of the Lead Generation Card.
Introduction to Twitter Cards:
Marketing Land Article: