Social Media Trends for 2016
Social media has been a powerful tool since its inception and 2016 is promising to be an even bigger year for those that use social media for advertising. It is crucial to understand social media and use it to your businesses advantage. New trends for 2016 are going to prove to be even more popular than ever before.
With the new year, one will see video ads being used more frequently to advertise. Facebook and Bing are now offering video advertising options. Google has included videos in their algorithms which makes for an even larger opportunity to use social media for advertising. This creates an opportunity for all social media advertisers. More companies are not only accepting video ads but truly embracing them.
Apps are also being used more for advertising. This means that companies using social media need to start working with applications to make their advertising app friendly. Apps give advertisers the opportunity to be more responsive to individual users, making for a greater personalized experience. Using apps is more convenient for users and makes viewing the ad easier.
Mobile will continue to dominate over desktop use. It is imperative companies continue to fine tune and perfect mobile advertisements. Google searches now include mobile friendliness on site rankings making this an even more important factor than ever before.
No matter how advertisers look at it, social media is always going to be a large part of advertising. The new trend in advertising leans heavily towards social media. Businesses need to take the time to truly look at their strategies and aim campaigns towards social media by getting as much out of their ads as they can to benefit their business. Social media is a powerful advertising tool and it only stands to get stronger as the world of advertising changes and grows. Is your business ready?