Utilizing Digital Space in Marketing
Have you noticed lately that any available space on most websites and digital content sites are taken up by some form of marketing? Ever wonder why? Marketers are now using every bit of space that is made available to them for a very good reason, space=money. This new formula means that more and more advertisers are paying money for space that was previously not being utilized on sites.
Banner ads, running header ads, even ads that are being run in the white space of articles are for sale, making digital marketing a very busy route. This is also a very clever way to pack as much punch as possible to any digital media advertising campaign or digital copy. No longer are spaces being left blank, instead they are being filled.
What does this mean for digital marketers? In laymen’s terms, a bit more work overall. Instead of being able to create ads that are tailored to just about any standard space like a banner ad or header ad, designers have to code and create ads that can fit into the smaller spaces and sometimes oddly shaped spaces that are left in web content. Though this is an extra step, it is well worth it. Instead of having content that has blank spaces, every crevice of the page is being used.
What does this mean for those seeking to advertise? A more competitive rate on space. No longer are advertisers being forced to buy banner ads or header ads at a standard rate that varies based on the site. They can now take out ad space in smaller places for less money without reducing the overall effectiveness. Advertisers now have a better chance of being seen by piggy backing on content that is already on the internet and seen by thousands.
So what does this mean for your company? Your web content is no longer going to be free of ads. They will be in almost every space you can imagine, and that’s not a bad thing. Overall this opens up a whole new realm for advertising. Utilizing digital space offers a better chance for everyone to hop on the digital media and digital advertising train without having to compete with other companies that pay more for banner and header ads. The world of digital advertising is changing; the real question, are you ready?